
The Museum of Islamic Art is a museum located on one end of the seven kilometers long Corniche in the Qatari capital, Doha. As with the architect I. M. Pei's requirement, the museum is built on an island off an artificial projecting peninsula near the traditional dhow (wooden Qatari boat) harbor. A purpose-built park surrounds the edifice on the Eastern and Southern facades while 2 bridges connect the Southern front facade of the property with the main peninsula that holds the park. The Western and Northern facades are marked by the harbor showcasing the Qatari seafaring past.



卡塔尔珍珠岛是由卡塔尔著名的阿尔法丹财团出资填海建造的一座人工岛,位于距离多哈西海湾泻湖(West Bay Lagoon)东侧海岸线约350米的海中,因其外形按照阿尔法丹财团总裁侯赛因·阿尔法丹的一串珍珠藏品形状设计成而得名。珍珠岛始建于2004 7 20 日,预计投资总额高达150亿美元卡塔尔珍珠岛号称中东的里维埃拉(Riviera),风景秀丽,设施齐全。岛上共建有16000 座临海别墅、高雅宅邸、奢华公寓、五星级酒店等,有1100 家高档商店、购物中心及餐饮空间等,人们可以在岛上买到宾利、爱马仕等奢侈名牌商品。岛上建有大型的邮轮码头、非常多的私人游艇停在码头、还有医院、学校,并铺设了总长为35公里的高质量沙滩,所用细沙全部从沙特阿拉伯进口。目前,珍珠岛已成为卡塔尔最昂贵的黄金地段之一。 停留时间30分钟



Stroll down the bustling alleys of Souq Waqif provides an authentic taste of traditional commerce, architecture and culture. The maze of small shops offers a dazzling array of Middle Eastern merchandise from spices and seasonal delicacies to perfumes, jewellery, clothing, handicrafts and a treasure trove of souvenir bargains. Traditional music, art and cultural shows add to the ambience of this special place. Relax and soak up the vitality and atmosphere at one of its eclectic mix of great restaurants and cafes.
